A recent addition to the AnLar team, Emily provides project and technical assistance for AnLar clients and ensures all written documentation is both well-written and error-free. Previously, she has worked as a receptionist, a benefits specialist in human resources, and an office manager for a small CPA firm before landing at the Utah State Board of Education. There, she spent more than seven years providing support for special education at the SEA level, including compliance monitoring, data, finance, assessment, and dispute resolution. In her role as Program Specialist, she provided technical assistance to LEAs and other stakeholders in various forms, including written documentation, training videos, and in-person presentations, and has assisted in writing, editing, and distributing guidance documentation, manuals, technical assistance articles, Results-Driven Accountability reports, and other resources to aid LEAs in monitoring, improving, and implementing their special education programs
Emily earned a BA in English with an emphasis in editing and publication and an MA in English with an emphasis in British literature, both from Brigham Young University. When not reading, she enjoys baking, music, theater, and all things British. She’s been known to throw things at the television while watching unsatisfactory Jane Austen adaptations and spends hours arguing over the love lives of Harry Potter characters online (and sometimes in real life). Her favorite punctuation marks are the semicolon, the Oxford comma, and the en dash.