Core Values
Gathered together in a small, countryside outpost with nothing but the clothes on our backs, some friendly neighboring goats, and a couple of dry erase markers, we created a handful of core values in an effort to capture what we love about AnLar and how we like to approach our work. We believe in these values and strive toward ensuring that no matter how much AnLar grows, we know the 5 things that we valued way back when, at a B&B somewhere in West Virginia.
Understand First
We don’t know everything and we don’t have all the answers. But we do know it’s better to first listen and ask questions, then try to help solve the problem. Better understanding leads to smarter solutions and better results. And even though it may result in a slower start, it leads to faster achievement of the solution.
Venture Creativity
We seek out and thrive on chances to learn new things, build something unique, or confront problems from new perspectives. Powered by a ravenous work ethic and curiosity, we are always hungry for projects that feed the creative fires in our bellies. But we’re careful not to give ourselves – or our clients – a tummy ache.
Value Relationships
From the AnLar office to our professional network, we recognize the value in cultivating genuine relationships with those around us. The better we know and trust each other and our clients, the more fun we have and the greater our success (cue the cheesy heart-felt music).
Maintain Balance
No one at AnLar has gotten a promotion for being the last one on email at night. We believe in balance and encourage our employees to take time to recharge more than just their laptops, rather than succumbing to a life of high blood pressure and low spirits. We believe our partners and clients benefit most when our employees have a healthy life outside of AnLar.
Have An Impact
Call us dreamers, but we want our work to make a difference. Regardless of whether we are designing communications tools, implementing information systems, or stuffing folders, our drive to do good work is fueled by our desire to make a positive impact.
Our Team
Clients & Partners
We work in the social services arena (education, health, etc.), for all sectors (private, public), and for small and large organizations (districts, states, foundations, federal agencies). As long as we think we can provide value to a team, we are in.