What We Do
AnLar was established to address broad-reaching and high-impact issues in education, human services, and management. We aim to solve problems through creativity, flexibility, and sustainable processes.
But really, we’re motivated by helping others with their challenges. As long as our skills and brainpower can make a difference, count us in.
Research & Evaluation
At the heart of good decision-making is an in-depth understanding of the importance of accurate data and thorough research. We understand the role that data and research play in decision-making, and we have talented staff skilled in data collection and analysis. Our team is capable of providing a wide variety of research and analysis to inform our client’s work, from supporting large academic research projects to providing condensed rapid-response analysis briefs and case studies to conducting user focus groups.
Technical Assistance
An organization can be founded on a great idea or product, but sustained growth and success is dependent on efficient, well-coordinated business processes. The team at AnLar can provide the support necessary to analyze current business structures, review internal procedures, and develop a plan for client organizations to improve and better coordinate their processes to support their work.
Communications & IT Development
Clear and effective communication is essential for the success of almost any effort, whether it is presenting research findings, relating stories from the field, informing stakeholders about a program or initiative, or preparing an audience for a meeting. Successful communications do not just deliver content—they engage readers and resonate with communities.
Data Systems & Support
Policy and process should lead information technology design, not the other way around. Before the first line of code is written, our content experts and development team learn about the client organization’s vision and goals and understand its context and culture. Successful data systems should be created to enhance the organization’s performance, not just to track it.
Government Process Improvement
Government agencies require efficient processes to manage the complex delivery of services at the local, state, and federal levels. AnLar understands how to navigate these complexities to achieve both effectiveness and efficiency. Our team has significant first-hand government experience developing and managing projects, grants, and policy initiatives designed to maximize outcomes and impact while respecting the importance and challenges of delivering government services.
Project Case Studies
Report of Maryland Charter Schools
Postsecondary Education and Postsecondary Preparation Evidence Reporting (PEPPER)
Utah Program Improvement Planning System (UPIPS) for Special Education Project Case Study
Texas Special Education Monitoring and Complaints Process Development Project Case Study
KIPP Foundation Website
Arts in Education
Preschool Development Grants Technical Assistance Center
Race to the Top – District
Family Resources on the Vermont Early Learning Standards
Massachusetts Early Childhood Leadership Institute
CIID Data Integration Toolkit
Personnel Development Program Data Collection System
NAEP Research on Student Motivation and Performance on Assessments
Publications, Education Analysis, and Reporting for Sample Surveys