The Challenge
Provide a comprehensive report to Maryland State Department of Education as a component of their current Expanding Opportunity Through Quality Charter Schools Program grant, highlighting interventions and approaches affecting academic performance, student growth, school climate, school governance, and equity.
The Client
Maryland State Department of Education
What We Did
AnLar employed a mixed methods design to meet the three objectives. We analyzed the 2019 Maryland School Report Card data to provide context on charter school performance across a variety of outcomes including proficiency, school climate, and student growth. The qualitative approach was conducted in three parts:
- An environmental scan to review publicly available data on common school characteristics for a broad sense of the Maryland charter school landscape.
- An online survey to ask charter school representatives to identify and detail one or more promising practices that could be replicated at other schools.
- Interviews with nine administrators highlighted innovative, well-designed, and replicable promising practices.
AnLar compiled the data in an easily-digested comprehensive report to support Maryland with evidence of promising practices at their charter schools.
Skills Used
- Data collection
- Data analysis
- Produced summative report
- Data Visualization
- Publication layout
- Iconography
Service Areas
Research and Policy Analysis
Communications & IT Development