The Challenge
Our client wanted to better support Vermont’s youngest children by making the Vermont Early Learning Standards (VELS) more accessible to providers and families.
The Client
Vermont Agency of Education
What We Did
AnLar developed a set of family-friendly materials relating to VELS, with content to promote families’ understanding and use of VELS in their everyday activities with their children. The materials and activities developed by AnLar include:
- Downloadable online family modules that are accessible to families at any time, and include activities that are no-cost and fun for families to do together and additional resources for families to explore to learn more about their child’s development;
- A 12-month printed activity calendar for families with each month focused on a different area of the VELS and offering activities for infants and toddlers, preschoolers and school-age children.
These materials are being shared with families on the AOE website and through workshops AnLar is hosting with families across the state.
Skills Used
- Developing family-friendly, accessible materials for the AOE website
- Using extensive knowledge of child development and family engagement to create materials that families will use
Service Areas
Technical Assistance, Communications & IT Development